I think most would agree that the past year has been a full-on bummer. Sitting at home, watching the tube, disconnected from our families, friends and loved ones. We cleaned, we cooked, we ate, and if you are like me, you gained a few LB’s. I wasn’t at the dance studio as I was prior to the pandemic. Formerly, I would move a lot more with my weekly schedule teaching dance and dancing. Suddenly, my physical activity suffered. The daily walk around my neighborhood, bike ride and living-room calisthenics couldn’t replace the activity and benefits provided by dancing.
Besides the obvious benefits of maintaining your strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness, dance can help to improve your psychological and emotional well-being. Many of us have suffered emotionally this past year and could certainly do with some sway, swing and swagger to some good tunes as we pump up those feel-good endorphins! Dancing improves the condition of your heart and lungs, Increases endurance and motor fitness. Dancing provides improved muscle tone and strength, weight management, stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis, better coordination, agility, improved balance and spacial awareness, greater psychological well being, self confidence and self esteem.
I believe that its important that we do not let our health suffer even while doing our utmost to avoid dangerous viruses. While the pandemic isn’t over yet, we can now safely return to the dance studio to increase our fitness and improve our well being. The sooner we start, the sooner we can reverse course on the past year!
California DanceArts has been able to expand its offerings to include a number of different methods to keep our students dancing while maintaining all of the CDC Health guidelines. We incorporated the Zoom platform that allows students to stay active in the dance classes that they love while interacting with teachers and peers, remotely and from the comfort and safety of your own home or while traveling. Outdoor / Open air coaching is provided, as well as our In-person / In-studio classes.
Since our beginnings over 30 years ago, we have placed severe limits on our class sizes in order to provide individual attention to every student.
Now our severely limited class sizes provide the added benefits of maintaining a healthy, spacious, socially distanced environment. With our large airy studios and our 6-10 student maximum, we provide a lot of safe dance space (with marked social distancing lines) to help you get your groove back! All of our studios provide fresh air and sanitizing stations. Masks are required to protect all of our young students that are not yet eligible for vaccine and for those immune compromised individuals for whom it may not yet be appropriate.
Please note: Even though the CDC has relaxed mask-wearing guidance, as of July 17th. we are still required to follow Los Angeles County rules which again require masks to be worn indoors and inside our studios located within L.A. County regardless of vaccination status. We encourage everyone who is eligible to get vaccinated as soon as possible for the health and welfare of all.
Yup, in spite of the fact that this pandemic goes on, we’ve all learned to be more resilient. We’ve learned to cope, compromise and consider unimaginable consequences. However, one thing we don’t have to compromise anymore is you or your child’s physical and mental well being. Sticking to activities you enjoy is one of the best ways to keep your body and mind in good shape. CDA staff and I can’t wait to see your smiling face and to demonstrate to you how much we love our students by providing a safe, covid free environment where you can safely dance and exercise for a happier YOU!